Benefits of Vastu
  • Bank’s main door should be in Northern or Eastern side/North-East side.
  • Manager’s cabin should be at South-East side facing towards North.
  • Cashier should sit at Northern or Eastern side. Cash drawer must be opened towards North side only
  • Cash to be disbursed should be from the West or North direction.
  • The other staff in the bank should occupy the West.
  • Drinking water should be in the East, North or North-East.
  • The staircase should be on the West, South-West or South-East sides.
  • Parking should be done in the East or North.
  • The meeting hall should be on the West side.
  • South-East, South-West or North-West corner entrance is not acceptable.
  • Enquiry counter should be at Eastern side.
  • Central portion of a bank should be kept vacant.
  • The slope of the flooring should be towards North or East.
  • The main room of the cash, lockers, and safe room should be in the South and should open towards North or East sides.
  • The toilets/restrooms in the bank should be located in the West or North-West.
  • Old records, unwanted letters/files etc., should be kept in the South-West.
  • Loan distribution should be done in the East or North.

Want to transform your space with Vastu?

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