Benefits of Vastu
- Main door should be at East of North side of North-East corner.
- Doctor’s check-up rooms should be towards North. Doctor should sit facing towards North or East.
- Drinking water can be at North-East side.
- Restrooms should be at South or Western side.
- Operation-theatre should be in the West, while lying on the stretcher, patient’s head should be on the South side. The doctor should operate facing East or North or West side but never to South side.
- The middle portion of the hospital should be open to the sky. In case of any roof, the ventilated roof should be 2 ft. to 3 ft. higher than the top floor roof.
- An emergency case or serious case should never be kept in the South-West corner room. Patient should be kept in North-West.
- Parking should be done on the East or North sides.
- Bathrooms should be on the East or North sides.
- The owner or head of hospital should occupy South-West side room.
- Enquiry room should be at South-East corner.
- Operation theatre should be on Western side.
- Drinking water can be at North-East side.
- ICU room should be placed at North-West corner.
- The slope of the flooring should be towards North, East or North-East sides.
- It should face the East possibly and the entry should be in the East or North-East.
- The racks for medical books and medicines should be in the South or West.
- Cleaning, changing rooms should be on the South or West sides.
- X-Ray room, Electrical equipment etc. should be in the South-East room.
- Nurse’s quarters should be in the South-East or North-West place to the Hospital.
- The staircase should be in the West, South-West, South-East or North-West.
- Cash counter should be in the South or West and should open towards the North or East.